luni, 7 februarie 2011
LA MULTI ANI OANA :*:*:* [Panda] :X

Astazi,7 februarie este ziua colegei noastre OANA.Implineste 16 anisori.:*:*:*
LA MULTI ANI" Noi iti dorim iubire.O viata minunata si multa fericire sa nu plangi niciodata,sa nu stii de necaz sa fii mereu frumoasa si dulce , sa nu cunosti durerea si nici amaraciunea sa ii respecti pe toti,sa te respecte lumea,familia sa-ti fie frumoasa si unita sa nu ai vre-un motiv sa fii nemultumita.Iti daruim ginduri bune si rugaciuni catre bunul DUMNEZEU sa te aiba in paza LUI in orice clipa a vietii tale.LA MULTI ANI !

Razboi pe twitter intre Charlie,Erik si Ashlynn Ross ( dublura lui Kristen & Dakota)

Erik i-a spus lui Charlie:
@Alchemission was the darling of Sundance, he’s been walking around like he owns the place…we have feelings too! He’s so full of himself
AMERICAN nomad! Go back to England @Alchemission #BDTWITTERwar
@Alchemission hates Chile…just so you know
I love Chile
@alchemission is a liar…I know the whole series…#ShamelessLiar #BewleyHack #BDTwitterWar
@Alchemission hates puppies…FACT #LassieHater #BDTwitterWar
@alchemission We’ve only just begun

Si apoi Charlie a spus despre Erik:
@erikOdom I’m the Sundance Kid, you’re the Butch.
@ErikOdom didn’t read the Twilight books. He “couldn’t be arsed” # LazyBananana
@ErikOdom and I think @Ashlynn_Ross makes a great “double” #What? #bdtwitterwars
@Ashlynn_Ross @ErikOdom have left the building. To throw a sack ‘o’ kittens in the Mississippi#NotCoo00oolForCats #bdtwitterwars
@erikodom is thinking about a Taco Bell run. As if his CowPants weren’t tight enough. #easy on the kcls E-Odes. #LowHoSilver
Still cannot work out how he lost @Ashlynn_Ross to @ErikOdom aka Butch tonight.#NiceGuysFinishLast #BDTwitterWar

I love Chile as well. Despite what @erikodom and @alchemission may say
Where’s my girls at in this #bdtwitterwar? We got the Brits and the nomads, where’s my girls!!
@alchemission is picking on my bolweggedness. Come On sundance kid, bring it on
@alchemission & @erikodom you’re as straight as a sphere

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