Sondajul de pe Moviefone,End Of Summer a fost atacat de fanii Twilight!
Who was summer's hottest leading man?
Robert Pattinson, 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' 29239 (68.4%)
Which movie was most worth your cash?
"The Twilight Saga:Eclipse' 24547 (71.0%)
What was the best chick flick?
The Twilight Saga:Eclipse '35981 (83.3%)
Who was summer's sexiest woman?
Kristen Stewart,The Twilight Saga:Eclipse ' 25632 ( 61.4%)
Who was your favorite on-screen couple?
Robert Pattinson &Kristen Stewart ,The Twilight Saga:Eclipse '35505 (83.7%)
What was the summer's best sequel/prequel?
The Twilight Saga:Eclipse ' 32247 ( 79.9%)